Glossary & Cast of Characters

PCT – Pacific Crest Trail; a National Scenic Trail running from the Mexican border near Campo, CA to the Canadian border in Washington state, 2,660 miles long.

Thru Hiker – Someone who hikes an entire long distance trail like the PCT, AT, CDT or FST in one year or season

Section Hiker – Someone who hikes sections or portions of a trail, but not the entire length, in one year or season

Day Hiker – Someone who hikes but doesn’t sleep or camp overnight

Backpacker – Someone who camps overnight; typically carries provisions (food, water, tent, etc) for duration

ATAppalachian Trail; a National Scenic Trail running from Georgia to Maine, 2,181 miles long.

CDTContinental Divide Trail; a National Scenic Trail running from the Mexican border in New Mexico to the Canadian border in Montana, appromateely 3,100 miles

HYOH — Hike Your Own Hike; do what’s best for you, not just what others are doing

Trail Name — Nickname given to you by fellow hikers; you ‘can’t’ give yourself a trail name, but you are supposed to have veto authority

Cast of Characters:

HH – My significant other whose desire for privacy I respect and inspired me to come up with pseudonyms for select others who will be part of my journey

Note: pseudonyms are subject to change.

Betty’s Mom – My favorite blood relative who introduced me to the Sierras, taught me how to backpack and has been inspiring me for nearly half a century

Betty – Betty, it’s not a pseudonym

BILS – aka Betty’s Dad. BILS thru hiked the PCT in the early 90’s

MMM – Michael Michael Motorcycle, my second favorite blood relative….Just kidding, it’s a tie (sometimes)

mTnfLY — me; a middle-aged, weekend-warrior type who decided to hike the PCT in 2018

Savers of the World – Awesome friends who hiked the John Muir Trail in 2015

The Furball – aka Overlord, the Four legged, fur-covered noisemaker who rules my home