Have you ever thought about something so much, spent such an inordinate amount of time talking about it, thinking about it, researching it that, if you were to be completely honest, you eventually grew kind of sick of it? Weary of It even?
I have spent much of the last year thinking about the PCT, researching it, reading about it, talking about it, not to mention the 21 years prior when I was contemplating it. The last two weeks before departing for Campo (the southern start point) were consumed by it. It’s been a blur of appointments, doctor visits, family stuff, sorting gear and resupply boxes – everything you can imagine it takes to tie up loose ends and details of life for the next 5 months. But the truth is: I’m kind of over it. I’m tired of thinking, researching, reading and talking about my upcoming hike. Please don’t ask me any more questions — I’m sick of hearing myself talk about it.
You wind up talking about the PCT so much, its easy to start to talking about it with some perceived authority. “Based on my research/googling/YouTube watching, blah blah blah…..”. But the truth is, I don’t know squat about it. Haven’t set foot on it in 21 years, and even then it was just a 200 mile section, less than 1/26 of it.
It’s gotten to the point I almost feel like a fraud. When people would say complimentary things about me and my upcoming hike, I felt compelled to tell them I hadn’t actually hiked a mile yet. To not do so, would be tempting fate or karma. Like I was accepting compliments and kudos I had not yet earned.
So yes, I’m kind of over it. I just want all this preparation, anticipation, thinking, researching, reading and talking done. It’s time to go for a walk.