Month: May 2018

Day 39 – Mile 638 to Walker Pass & Lake Isabella

MM: 652 Trail Miles: 14 Miles Walked: 17 Today was a planned easy day. I had enough food to make Kennedy Meadows, but everyone else had planned to resupply in Lake Isabella, a town 35 miles west of the trail. It had the last grocery store for 250 miles. I didn’t want to get ahead

Day 38 – Mile 616 to 638

Trail Miles: 22.2 Miles Walked: 22.2 Awoke to a beautiful sunrise. The trail was pretty through the desert once again – Joshua trees and flowering sage bushes. The nearby mountains reminded me of the Blue Ridge with their smoky, layered look. Heard military jets all day and into night. We were close to China Lake.

Day 37 – Miles 596 to 616

Miles: 596.5 to 616.2 Trail Miles: 19.7 Miles Walked: 21 Cloudy, misty this morning. Passed the 600 mile markers (all 3) Painter saw a Bear! Met Cover Girl and Three Frogs. They’d heard from their buddy who was already at Mile 800 in the Sierras. His advice: Don’t listen to fear mongering in Kennedy Meadows.

Day 36 – The Tehachapi Mtns

Miles 277.2 to 596.5 Trail Miles: 19.3 Miles Walked: 19.3 I was on the trail a little after 6 am. My pack was still outrageously heavy – I had nearly 4 L of water left and all that food. Nothing to do but hike, eat and drink my way to a lighter pack. I ran

Day 35 – Tehachapi to Mile 577.2

Miles: 566.5 to 577.2 Trail Miles: 10.7 Miles Walked: 11.2 Sorry folks, but the blog. The damn blog. I need to do a better job of editing/writing so updating is quick when I’m in town and have internet. It’s 3:20pm and I’m still at the hotel ‘borrowing’ their internet. Checkout was at noon. Smokebeard, Painter

Day 34 – Zero in Tehachapi

Mile Marker: 566 Trail Miles: Zero Miles Walked: about 3-4 Slept great but still woke at sunrise. Laundry got done and then I went to the grocery store with Scooch, Fireball, Cherry Bomb and Smokebeard. Unfortunately I hadn’t yet picked up my resupply box from the P.O. so I bought entirely too much food. Not

Day 33 – Mile 549 to Tehachapi

MM: 566 Trail Miles: 17 Miles Walked: 18 I forgot to reset my alarm from last night so it went off at 0215. Ugh. And this was a day I could sleep in a bit. Anyways, I’d enjoyed the Trail Magic last night at Mile 549! Water and cookies. Didn’t need water as I’d tanked

Day 32 – Crossing the Mojave Desert

Miles 521.5 to 549 Trail Miles: 27.5. Miles Walked: 27.5 The alarm went off around 2:20am. We were up and hiking by 3:10. It was chilly at that hour but worth it. We would get across the Aqueduct and Mojave Desert mostly in the dark. Sunrise and Joshua Trees We eventually stopped for a needed

Day 31 – Sawmill CG to Hikertown and the LA Aqueduct

Mile 498.2 to 521.5 Trail Miles: 23.3 Miles Walked: 23.6 Everything was wet again when we woke up around 5. We’d cowboy camped and the dew had condensed on my sleeping bag, tent, backpack, shoes, socks. Everything. Nothing to do but pack up and get on the trail. We’d stop and let things dry out

Day 30 – Casa de Luna to Sawmill CG (Mile 478 to 498)

MM: 498 Trail Miles: 20 Miles Walked: 20.5 Terrie & Joe Anderson, the owners of Casa de Luna, have a Pancake breakfast every morning. There were over 90 hikers there. It’s a great operation. I don’t know how they do it year after year. After breakfast I headed to the main road through town with