Month: May 2018

Day 29 – Lessons Learned & Near-o at Casa de Luna

MM: 478 Trail Miles: 4 Miles Walked: 4.6 When I woke up everything was wet. My campsite at mile 474 was in and out of the clouds, so everything was damp if not beading water. Normally, that’d be an inconvenience. Packing up a wet and dirty tent is annoying. Fortunately today was going to be

Day 28 – One Month on Trail

Agua Dulce to Mile 474 MM: 474.2 Trail Miles: 19.7 Miles Walked: 20 I’d heard there were at least 90 hikers at Hiker Heaven last night – the most so far this season. I’d slept decently well considering – that’s a lot of snoring, nylon swishing and tent zippers through the night. The weather (snow)

Day 27 – Acton KOA to Hiker Heaven/Agua Dulce

MM: 454.5 Trail Miles: 10.2 Miles Walked: 11.8 Today was a planned easy 10 miles to Agua Dulce. When I saw the overcast sky, I knew there was no hurry to pack up and beat the heat. I took the time to boil water for tea and oatmeal. I ate with Painter and Cloud Rider.

Day 26 – Mile 424 to Acton KOA

MM: 444.3 Trail Miles: 20 Miles Walked: 20.6 Today the trail continued the transition from Alpine forest to desert scrub. The views were mostly of the valleys that line Hwy 14, the Antelope Valley Freeway. View of Hwy 14 I hadn’t slept well and was hankering for a nap by 1000. At 1030, I stopped

Day 25 – More Inspiring Hikers (Mile 399 – 424)

MM: 424.3 Trail Miles: 25.6 Miles Walked: 26.0 I crossed the 400 mile markers (all 4 of them) shortly after getting on the trail. Seems the people who make the markers (positioning pine cones & rocks) can’t agree on mileage…… I ran into Alex again at Camp Glenwood, the first water stop. He was trying

Day 24 – Mt Baden-Powell to Mile 399

MM: 398.7 Trail Miles: 21.8 Miles Walked: 26.4 Sunrise Day 24 I was on trail early and on the summit of Mt Baden-Powell at 0625. Gorgeous views. A lot of hikers had camped at the summit. Too bad I’d gotten such a late start yesterday…. Today was whole new bubble of hikers I hadn’t seen

Day 23 – Wrightwood to Mt Baden-Powell (Mile 269 to 377)

MM: 376.9 Trail Miles: 7.6 Miles Walked: 8 Montreal Marc, Momento and I split a room at a local motel in Wrightwood. We had already made the reservation when 2 locals offered us places to stay. In the future I won’t be so quick to arrange lodging. We all had to hit the post office,

Day 22 – Swarthout Canyon to Wrightwood (Mile 246.6 to 269.3)

MM: 269.3 Trail Miles: 22.9 Miles Walked: 23.2 My campsite was great but I missed out on trail magic at the water cache a mile up the trail. Chance, a PCT-alum and trail angel, had iced sodas, beers and burritos last night. The beer and soda was still cold, but it was a little too

Day 21 – Silverwood Lake to Swarthout Canyon (Mile 324.4 to 346.4)

MM: 346.4 Trail Miles: 22 Miles Walked: 23.1 I was awakened at 0515 when a truck drove up the dirt road. The minivan that arrived at 11:45pm was still there. The van started up and departed. Funny….. I don’t recall hearing the driver get out or return to the vehicle. Hmmmm……..I’m not sure he was