Day: July 29, 2018

Day 90 – MacArthur-Burney Falls State Park

7/13/18 Miles: 1411.3 to 1432.7 Trail Miles: 21.4 Miles Hiked: 22.2 Yesterday was a zero, so you’d think I’d get a good nights sleep, especially since I was in a hotel room. Somehow I woke up at 0200 and couldn’t get back to sleep. I wound up working on the blog. At least the internet

Day 89 – Zero in Burney

7/12 -Day 89- Zero in Burney Mile Marker: 1411.3 Trail Miles: Zero Even with a comfy bed and air conditioning my body kept to hiker hours. I woke at 0600. Still, it was nice to relax – not have to pack up a tent – and watch the morning news. I ran into several hikers

Day 88 – Hat Creek Rim to Burney

July 11 Miles: 1390.8 to 1411.3 Trail Miles: 20.5 The wind picked up as the sky started to lighten around 0430 this morning. It was a beautiful sunrise from my cowboy camp perch, but the wind made sure I couldn’t sleep. — One challenge to cowboy camping is making sure your gear doesn’t blow away

Day 87 – Old Station & Hat Creek Rim

7/10/18 Miles: 1369.6 to 1390.8 Trail Miles: 21.2 Miles Hiked: 22.6 Last night I’d finally caught up to Smokebeard at a campsite along Hat Creek. We were about to enter a dry stretch, so there were a lot hikers camped near the creek. About 3 miles prior to the creek there’d been trail magic. It