Day: August 21, 2018

Day 100 – Siskiyou Mountain Club

7/23 Miles: 1610.4 to 1634.5 Trail Miles: 24.1 The PCT north of Etna Summit is one of the best built and maintained sections of the trail. I was thinking about this when I ran into a crew doing trail maintenance. I have to commend the Siskiyou Mountain Club ( #SiskiyouMountainClub ) and their trail crews.

Day 99 – Near-o leaving Etna

7/22/18 Miles: 1599.7 to 1610.4 Trail Miles: 10.7 Miles Walked: 12.7 It was a warm night but I’d slept well camped on the lawn at the Hiker Hut. The Hut is actually part of a B&B with a bunkhouse for hikers. The bunkhouse has a bathroom with shower, 4 bunks, a kitchenette, library, DVDs and

Day 98 – Zero in Etna

Mile Marker: 1599.7 Trail Miles: 0 Miles Walked: 2 Etna is a hiker-friendly Town. They allow camping at the city park ($5). An additional $5 gets you a shower with a towel (not always a given on the trail). The park also has lockers you can rent to store your pack/gear in – nice when