Day 32 – Crossing the Mojave Desert

Miles 521.5 to 549

Trail Miles: 27.5.

Miles Walked: 27.5

The alarm went off around 2:20am. We were up and hiking by 3:10. It was chilly at that hour but worth it. We would get across the Aqueduct and Mojave Desert mostly in the dark.

Sunrise and Joshua Trees

We eventually stopped for a needed siesta at 9:30am.

After the Aqueduct the trail winds through one of the largest wind farms in the country. The windmills are huge. What I found interesting was how much they sounded like an airliner – passing overhead at 20,000 feet.

If you zoom in you can see Smokebeard standing at the base of the windmill. It gives you some perspective on size.

The trail also starts its climb up through the Tehachapi mountains. The temps remained cool as we climbed – perfect weather to cross the desert in.

I went ahead of the group and camped at a site 4 miles further up trail. I wanted to shorten the tomorrow going into Tehachapi, our next resupply, as well as the day coming out. The stretch after Tehachapi was either a 25 mile waterless stretch or 17 mile depending on where you left the trail. Since I’d have a heavy 7-day food bag, I took the 17 mile option.

Looking towards Edwards AFB & PalmdaleLooking towards Edwards AFBTrail Magic at Mile 549

Fortunately Friday was a planned zero to resupply and catch up on the blog. (Internet/cell service has been more sporadic than I’d anticipated). I was getting new trail runners and my bounce box too. My ‘old’ Altras had over 500 miles on them and needed to be retired. My bounce box had some supplies and my laptop – I needed to backup the photos on my phone. A lot of errands but a hot shower and laundry are at the top of the list!!
