Mile Marker: 767 to 774.1
Trail Miles: 7.1
Miles Walked: about 19 miles
Mt Whitney. Highest peak in the lower 48, at 14,505 ft elevation.
We awoke at 0350 (25 deg inside the tent!) and started hiking when the group that had camped below at Crabtree Meadows arrived.

The moon over our campsite around 0400
It was cold. It was windy. It was beautiful.

My third time atop Mt Whitney
After the summit we rested at Crabtree before returning to the PCT and getting some miles in.
We wanted to be close to Forester Pass so we could cross it while the snow was still firm tomorrow morning. This meant fording the icy cold waters of Tyndall Creek at 6pm. We made it across but it took several hours in my sleeping bag before I was warm enough to fall asleep.
— I’m behind in my posts and I’m running out of time and internet. (I can only post when I’m in town resupplying.) So Whitney and Forrester Pass (this post and next) are mostly pictures. Enjoy!