Day 59 – Silver Pass to Mammoth

Miles: 884.4 to 903.3

Trail Miles; 18.9

Miles Hiked: 22.4

We were up and over Silver Pass early. The excitement of reaching Mammoth Lakes propelled us forward. We’d have at least 2 days and 3 nights off the trail: hot showers, laundry, real food, restaurants, flushing toilets, beds…..everything we were deprived of on the trail we would have again. And HH would be there with trail magic to pick us up!

It’d been a challenging 8 days. We’d crossed 7 High Sierra Passes and countless rivers and creeks. We’d endured freezing temps and the high-altitude sun. It was time for a break from the trail – both mentally and physically.

I texted HH on the Garmin InReach to give him our ETA at the Horseshoe Lake Trailhead, the shortest open route to Mammoth. I was surprised when he replied that he and Surge would meet us on the PCT where the trails intersected. Awesome!

They were there with ice cold drinks and cookies. And even a camp chair to sit in. We relaxed for a bit before hiking the 3.5 miles to the car. There was cold beer and more food there.

Already I was beginning to wonder if I would ever want to leave.

Me, Care Bear, Scooch & Painter – Silver Pass

Scooch, Care Bear & Painter – Silver Pass


  • Michael Loftus says:

    Quick question, you haven’t mentioned wildlife for awhile. Have you seen any in these wonderful, beautiful areas?

    Wanna B

    Syracuse NY