Day 89 – Zero in Burney

7/12 -Day 89- Zero in Burney

Mile Marker: 1411.3

Trail Miles: Zero

Even with a comfy bed and air conditioning my body kept to hiker hours. I woke at 0600. Still, it was nice to relax – not have to pack up a tent – and watch the morning news.

I ran into several hikers at the laundromat. It was like a mini-reunion: Bandit, Raider, Vision Board, Walking Chi. Even Hardcore was there. I hadn’t seen her since Tehachapi.

The manager at the motel gave rides to and from the trailhead. I asked if he could give me a ride out to Burney Mountain Guest Ranch, near the trailhead. I had originally planned to stay there and had my resupply sent there. When I decided to take a day off, I skipped it for a hotel in Burney. I needed to veg out in front of a TV and not think about the trail for a bit. — it’d been over 3 weeks from my last zero.

After retrieving both my packages from the Guest Ranch, I sorted food for the next stretch of trail. It was 91 miles to Castella and I-5, about 4 days hiking.

There was a heat wave going on that was forecast to continue through the next week. Temps would be in the high 90s to low 100s – not great conditions for hiking through lava rocks.

Lava Rocks everywhere

I spent the rest of the day sewing up the seat of my shorts while watching HGTV. After 11 weeks on trail, the old shorts were baggy on me but I’d still managed an 8 inch split up the seam. I don’t have patience for sewing, so I doubt my stitching will last long. I packed extra thread into my first aid kit just in case.

I forgot to get picks of Burney today. I wish I had It’s a nice trail town with wonderfully kind people.

Later I talked with HH and then fretted about not working on the blog. I was over 10 days behind in posting. Uploading photos takes a lot of data and time. I think I just need to accept that the blog will always be late and not stress about it. Sorry faithful reader!


  • Michael Loftus says:

    No problems at my end. We enjoy your posts, but you shouldn’t feel any pressure to pump them out.

    Be safe

    Wanna be

  • Doug says:

    Do what’s right for you, as far as posting. We’re following you whether you’re behind a few days or not.