Category: Logistics

Does this food come with a warning?

All the recipes in my backpacking cookbook* have special names. Many are named after the hikers who created them — like Ben’s Chicken and Cheese. While the rest have names relating to famous trails and notable locations along them. For example, Appalachian Trail Jerky and Cascade Stew. But there’s one particular recipe whose name makes

Anything worth doing……

I’m one of those people for whom the axiom “anything worth doing is worth over doing” was written. If something is important to me, this ethos will, nine times out of ten, guide my actions. In no place is this more apparent than my cooking. Nearly all of the food I’ve prepared for the PCT

How to become a thru-hiking expert without ever thru-hiking

One of the first things I bought when I decided to hike the PCT was a paperback book titled “Ultralight Backpackin’ Tips” by Mike Clelland. Two weeks later I bought a second book, “Long-Distance Hiking” by Dan Feldman, as well as a recipe book, “ Lipsmackin’ Backpackin’ “ by Christine and Tom Connors. I was embarrassed standing in the

How do you plan your food for a thru-hike? Should you?

From all the research I’ve done – blogs, websites, podcasts, YouTube – you shouldn’t buy ahead or even plan out what you’ll eat over the course of a long-distance thru hike. Experienced thru hikers are nearly unanimous in cautioning against doing this. Reasons being: your food tastes will change over time; hiker hunger will kick